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PLC Checkpoints for Maintaining Your Automation System

November 16, 2022
A PLC or programmable logic controller is the “brain” for any automatic application. The PLC program is what provides and gives signals to any automatic system. Quite simply, without the “brain” the application wouldn’t work; therefore, it is of upmost importance to make sure that it is taken care of and maintained. It needs to be stored in its recommended environment and preventative maintenance (PM) should be completed as recommended.

More than a 3D Model: Emulation “Digital Twin” Warehouse Visualization

October 20, 2021
Emulation and digital twins are powerful tools that can provide some very real benefits in the world of controls engineering and system integration.

The Value of a Good System Test Plan and Test Scenarios

November 06, 2019
As distribution centers become more automated, a well thought-out and formal warehouse system test plan and test scenarios can help conquer these increasingly complex systems.
Posted in System Automation

What are Photo Eye Sensors, and How Do They Improve System Automation?

May 21, 2019
Whether they’re used to sense the presence of boxes on a conveyor or parts on a manufacturing line, photo eyes help keep automated systems running around the world.

What’s right for you? PLC or Safety PLC?

January 08, 2014
Do you need a PLC (programmable logic controller) or a safety PLC? The answer depends on the safety requirement of the system or equipment in question. There are PLCs and there are safety PLCs which have safety built into them. So what's the difference, and what should you be using for your automated system when there is a stringent safety requirement? Read: Safety PLC versus a Regular PLC
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